Quotes from Jerry B. Jenkins
You can't understand where someone's going unless you understand where they've been.
- Jerry B. Jenkins
Fiction has a unique role in conveying Truth. In fact, only fiction that is Truth with a capital T is worthwhile.
- Jerry B. Jenkins
The most comforting feeling ever is knowing that someone truly likes your entire existence. I feel that way right now. Thank you.
- Jerry B. Jenkins
He wants people to become true Christians by following him, not just doing what he said but letting him live in our lives.
- Jerry B. Jenkins
Christianity is not a religion, it's a relationship with God through Christ.
- Jerry B. Jenkins
What a casual way to say 'The enemy of God is after you'.
- Jerry B. Jenkins
I believe in the unity of all living things. God is in us and in all that exists." "So, when you eat a carrot, aren't you eating God?
- Jerry B. Jenkins
As it has always been, so shall it ever be. The King is on his throne and is in control.
- Jerry B. Jenkins
Lady, I'm like, a kryptonite member.
- Jerry B. Jenkins
every warrior must face defeat and that defeat does not define the warrior any more than words define the heart of a lion.
- Jerry B. Jenkins
The man gave Westin two
- Jerry B. Jenkins
I call writing a sacred profession because I believe God chose the written word to communicate with man.
- Jerry B. Jenkins