Quotes from Abhijit Banerjee
We will remember UPA 2, if at all, it seems, as that period when things went mysteriously wrong - for the bribe-taking, buck-passing, foot-dragging, and general sense of paralysis.
- Abhijit Banerjee
Investors don't like being in a world where everything is held up by and waiting for an approval from a very small number of people.
- Abhijit Banerjee
One advantage of not being in power is that we can dream of reshaping the world exactly as we please.
- Abhijit Banerjee
The AAP from the beginning made it clear that they were about changing policy and not being a symbol of purity in a corrupt world.
- Abhijit Banerjee
If PM-Kisan is implemented well, it will leave some money in the hands of poor farmers.
- Abhijit Banerjee
I was very lucky to be born into a very academic family. I was well-read, well-trained in mathematics. I had lots of advantages to start with.
- Abhijit Banerjee
Most economies have a fair amount of tax evasion, depending on how their data systems are.
- Abhijit Banerjee
Celebrate creativity and confidence in the face of adversity.
- Abhijit Banerjee
If the BJP government, like the Congress party, had asked what were the numbers on the fraction of people under a particular income, would I have not told them the truth? I would have told them exactly. I would have been as willing.
- Abhijit Banerjee
Healthcare expenses often wipe out families.
- Abhijit Banerjee
My sense of my own superiority over many of my classmates would have been much more muted if I knew that they had seen me failing miserably at woodwork or cross-stitch.
- Abhijit Banerjee
The degree of political pressure to make MGNREGA jobs available varies massively from state to state - which is why access to MGNREGA jobs is worse in a very poor state like Bihar than in a richer state like Andhra Pradesh.
- Abhijit Banerjee