Quotes from Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Every day I've got to be thankful that I am alive, and you never know - the cliche is, I guess, you could get hit by a bus tomorrow, so you'd better be at peace with whatever you got going at the moment.
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Even today, in our progressive times, in most movies that come out, the men have to have biceps and the women have to be thin or something.
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
The movies I watch and the music I listen to and the books I read - those are important to me. It's very important to me, and I don't know what I would do without those things.
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
I don't think action for action's sake is so fun, but when it helps tell the story, I love doing a good fight scene.
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Actors didn't use to be celebrities. A hundred years ago, they put the theaters next to the brothels.
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
When I was Younger, I wanted to be something.Now, I just want to be younger.
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
I was a sort of serious little dude - snobby.
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
To me, a sex scene in a movie generally means a gratuitous scene that doesn't serve the story but gives a kind of excuse - we've got these two actors, we want to see them naked, so let's bring in the music and the soft light.
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
It's less about what you do and more about who you are doing it with.
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Even today, in our progressive times, in most movies that come out, the men have to have biceps and the women have to be thin or something.
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Normally, it's difficult for me to watch a movie that I'm in.
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
The Internet is allowing us to get back to what's really more natural, which is that storytelling is a shared thing. It's our natural way to be communal.
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt