Quotes from Joel Osteen
Only God can look at somebody's heart.
- Joel Osteen
I believe God's keeping the records, and I believe you will be rewarded even in this life. Somehow, some way, God will make it up to you. It may be He protected you from an accident you never knew. You can't give God something without God giving you more in return, whether it's peace or joy or satisfaction.
- Joel Osteen
It's amazing how people will give when you don't ask. Many of them send money because they believe in the message.
- Joel Osteen
I want to challenge you today to get out of your comfort zone. You have so much incredible potential on the inside. God has put gifts and talents in you that you probably don't know anything about.
- Joel Osteen
To me, it's OK to have differences. But we don't have to be mad about it. You know? And I think that's where sometimes we get so passionate that we - you know, it turns into anger.
- Joel Osteen
The main message of it is to not get stagnant and that God wants us to continue to grow and become a better person.
- Joel Osteen
God always wants us to be growing.
- Joel Osteen
I like to take every day just searching my own heart, making sure that I'm on course, and I'm doing what God wants me to do. I'm real good with not looking to the critics and looking straight ahead.
- Joel Osteen
When you get up and say, "God, I want to thank you for being alive, I've got family, I've got my health," you're going to draw in more of the good things from God.
- Joel Osteen
I know for me, and what the Bible teaches, I want to have a relationship with Jesus.
- Joel Osteen
Mormonism is a little different, but I still see them as brothers in Christ.
- Joel Osteen
The ultimate connection is when you are connected to the creator of the universe.
- Joel Osteen