Quotes from Joel Osteen
Don't fall into a complacency trap. It doesn't take any more effort to stay filled with faith than it takes to develop a negative attitude. Dare to step out of your comfort zone today. God has so much more in store. Keep pursuing and keep believing.
- Joel Osteen
You're not going to be sure how it's all going to work out, but that is what will cause you to grow, that's when you'll learn to trust God in a greater way. God is not interested only in the destination. He's teaching you along the way; He's getting you prepared and growing you up. He will lead you purposefully into situations where you're in over your head, your friends can't help you, and you don't have the experience you think you need.
- Joel Osteen
If you had all the facts, you wouldn't need any faith. He's going to send you out not knowing everything.
- Joel Osteen
You've probably heard me say that God wants to take us places that we've never dreamed. When you keep Him in first place, are your best each day, and take steps of faith you will see His goodness in new ways.
- Joel Osteen
Anything you must have to be happy, the enemy can use it against you. When you can say, "God, this is what I want, but even if it doesn't work out my way, I'm still going to be happy." That takes away the power of the enemy.
- Joel Osteen
Flowing means it didn't stop.
- Joel Osteen
God is saying to you today, "You are blessed. You are favored. You are strong, talented, valuable, free. You have greatness in you. You are destined to leave your mark, to make the world a better place. You're about to shine; you're about to see favor in greater ways.
- Joel Osteen
Every storm you went through, every bad break, and every dark, lonely season deposited something on the inside. It pushed you to mature, pushed you to trust God in a greater way, pushed you to be more resilient and determined.
- Joel Osteen
It's important for you to get around people who will stir up [your] seeds of greatness. Don't surround yourself with naysayers. Life is too short to hang around negative, critical, cynical, skeptical, judgmental, small-minded, jealous people.
- Joel Osteen
The delays, closed doors, people that walked away, were necessary. It was setting you up for this moment. The delay doesn't mean that God said no; it just wasn't the right time.
- Joel Osteen
Don't allow someone to treat you poorly just because you love them. And don't let the ugly in others kill the beauty in you.
- Joel Osteen
It's so important for you to get around people who will stir up [your] seeds of greatness. Don't surround yourself with naysayers. Life is too short to hang around negative, critical, cynical, skeptical, judgmental, small-minded, jealous people.
- Joel Osteen