Quotes from Joel Osteen
Quit living worried about your health, your finances, how you could accomplish that dream. God has not brought you this far to leave you. He's taken care of you in the past; He's going to take care of you in the future.
- Joel Osteen
When we make mistakes, God doesn't change His mind about us. If you run away from God, instead of turning the other way, God will come running toward you. Quit trying to earn His love. There's nothing you can do to make God love you any more or any less. It's a gift. Just receive it by faith.
- Joel Osteen
Don't compare yourself. Celebrate yourself.
- Joel Osteen
Remember this phrase: If you complain you remain, but if you'll praise you'll be raised.
- Joel Osteen
God loves you right now. He loved you when you were doing wrong. He loved you when you were off course. The apostle Paul says that nothing can separate us from the love of God. You are a marked man, a marked woman. God put His love on you. Now you are permanently loved.
- Joel Osteen
I can do all things through Christ. I am strong in the Lord.
- Joel Osteen
God knows the end from the beginning. If you will stay in faith, your story, your life, will end in victory.
- Joel Osteen
Release control. Quit worrying, quit trying to make it happen your way and say, "God, I trust You. I know You're in control of these winds. They can push me forward, backward, left, right, but one thing I'm certain of: where You take me is exactly where I'm supposed to be.
- Joel Osteen
It pleases God when you know you are dearly loved. That's why the Scripture says, "Come boldly to the throne." Don't go to Him feeling unworthy.
- Joel Osteen
The One that matters has His eyes on you. The One that controls the universe, the One that turns people's hearts, He's watching over you. He's working out His plan for your life.
- Joel Osteen
I wonder where you could be at this time next year if you would start kissing things goodbye. Kiss the offense goodbye. Quit letting people hurt your feelings. Quit letting what they say ruin your day. Tune it out.
- Joel Osteen
The enemy is called the accuser; he'll try to convince you that nothing good is in your future. Don't believe those lies. God's calling is still on your life. You can still become who you were created to be.
- Joel Osteen