Quotes from Joel Osteen
Don't be impatient. It's not over until God says it's over.
- Joel Osteen
God will never ask you for something without first depositing it within you. If you will dare to take a step of faith, you will discover gifts inside that you never before realized were there.
- Joel Osteen
By faith you need to walk like a king, talk like a king, think like a king, dress like a king, smile like a king. Don't go by what you see. Go by what you know. There is royalty in your DNA. You have the blood of a winner. You were created to reign in life.
- Joel Osteen
Every twenty-four hours God has a fresh new supply of grace, of favor, of wisdom, of forgiveness.
- Joel Osteen
Whatever follows the "I am" will eventually find you.
- Joel Osteen
Develop the habit of getting daily direction from God...When you do, He will lead you down the best path for your life.
- Joel Osteen
DAY THREE I DECLARE I have the grace I need for today. I am full of power, strength, and determination. Nothing I face will be too much for me. I will overcome every obstacle, outlast every challenge, and come through every difficulty better off than I was before. This is my declaration.
- Joel Osteen
I have the favor of God. I can do all things through Christ. I am blessed. I'm strong. I'm healthy.
- Joel Osteen
I'm not speaking defeat into my future. I'm not speaking failure over my life. I will turn it around and speak favor into my future. I will declare, "I'm blessed. I'm strong. I'm healthy. This will be a great year." When you do that, you are blessing your future.
- Joel Osteen
Other people do not determine your potential.
- Joel Osteen
Be happy with who God made you to be, and quit wishing you were something different.
- Joel Osteen
DAY FOURTEEN I DECLARE that I will use my words to bless people. I will speak favor and victory over my family, friends, and loved ones. I will help call out their seeds of greatness by telling them "I'm proud of you, I love you, you are amazing, you are talented, you are beautiful, you will do great things in life." This is my declaration.
- Joel Osteen