Quotes from Joel Osteen
Don't think small when you pray. God has a way to bring your dreams to pass if you'll dare to be bold enough to ask.
- Joel Osteen
we can not prepare for defeat and expect to live a life in Victory.
- Joel Osteen
Be a victor, not a victim.
- Joel Osteen
John Bunyan, author of the classic book the Pilgrim's Progress, said "You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who cannot pay you back." Make a decision that you will live to give. Be on the lookout each day for somebody you can bless. Don't' live for yourself; learn to give yourself away, and your life will make a difference.
- Joel Osteen
When you are committed to doing what's right, you are sowing seeds for God's blessings. You will never go wrong by taking the high road and doing more that is required.
- Joel Osteen
God wants us to live consistently, He wants us to enjoy every single day of our lives.
- Joel Osteen
I'm blessed to be a blessing to someone else.
- Joel Osteen
We have to realize that our lives could be gone in a moment. There are no guarantees that we will be here at this time next year. Learn to live each day to the fullest. Don't complain. Don't focus on what's wrong. Be grateful for the opportunity to experience each day.
- Joel Osteen
Appreciation - Learn to give flowers while people are still living
- Joel Osteen
True success is when you reach back and bring somebody along with you.
- Joel Osteen
When you go through a disappointment, when you go through a loss, don't stop on that page. Keep moving forward. There's another chapter in front of you, but you have to be willing to walk into it.
- Joel Osteen
God is faithful to His word. All of His promises are "Yes" and "Amen." That means if you will do your part and believe even though it looks impossible, and not let your mind, your emotions, or other people talk you out of it, then God promises in due season and at the right time He will bring it to pass. It may not happen the way you expect it or on your timetable, but God is a faithful God. It will happen.
- Joel Osteen