Quotes from Elizabeth George
I don't think anyone could write about another culture and get it 100 percent accurate.
- Elizabeth George
Model the qualities that you want your children to show to each other.
- Elizabeth George
Each new day is another chapter in the unfolding promise of deliverance and life.
- Elizabeth George
Personal discipline is a most powerful character quality and one worthy of dedicating your life to nurturing.
- Elizabeth George
No question, no problem, no concern, is too big or too small for God to handle!
- Elizabeth George
To be God's people, to love Him fervently with whole hearts, is our sole desire.
- Elizabeth George
God's peace and perspective are available to you through His Word.
- Elizabeth George
It takes a lot of grace and maturity to simply forgive, but a lot of healing takes place when you do.
- Elizabeth George
God has plans for you and His plans are for good because God Himself is good. He can neither think nor do evil.
- Elizabeth George
When we promote the well-being of others God has placed in our lives our service glorifies God.
- Elizabeth George
God is immutable—He never changes! His ministry to you is complete, on target, and constant!
- Elizabeth George
A real friend is one who helps us to think our best thoughts, do our noblest deeds, and be our finest selves.
- Elizabeth George