Quotes from Wayne Dyer
Thoughts are mental energy; they're the currency that you have to attract what you desire. Learn to stop spending that currency on thoughts you don't want.
- Wayne Dyer
What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to stretch our minds.
- Wayne Dyer
Wanting to feel good is synonymous with wanting to feel God.
- Wayne Dyer
You are important enough to ask and you are blessed enough to receive back.
- Wayne Dyer
Surround yourself with people who are doers!
- Wayne Dyer
Give love and unconditional acceptance to those you encounter, and notice what happens.
- Wayne Dyer
Take a Deep Breath & Focus on What's Really Important.
- Wayne Dyer
Send out anger and impatience, and that's what you'll get. Send out love, and you'll get back love.
- Wayne Dyer
All that you need in order to have total happiness, fulfillment, and love in your life you already have right now, whoever you are, wherever you are.
- Wayne Dyer
Everything I ever worried about turned out exactly as it was going to, despite my anxious moments to the contrary.
- Wayne Dyer
Most people tell themselves these excuses - I've always been this way, how can I possibly change, this is my nature, I can't help it - that are just memes
- Wayne Dyer
Arrange photographs of nature scenes, animals and expressions of joy and love in your environment and let their energy radiate into your heart and provide you with their higher frequency.
- Wayne Dyer