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Quotes from John Piper

This delight which God has in his creature's happiness cannot properly be said to be what God receives from the creature. For it is only the effect of his own work in and communications to the creature, in making it and admitting it to a participation of his fullness, as the sun receives nothing from the jewel that receives its light and shines only by a participation of its brightness.
- John Piper
So when I say that everything that exists—including evil—is ordained by an infinitely holy and all-wise God to make the glory of Christ shine more brightly, I mean that, one way or the other, God sees to it that all things serve to glorify his Son. Whether he causes or permits, he does so with purpose. For an infinitely wise and all-knowing God, both causing and permitting are purposeful. They are part of the big picture of what God plans to bring to pass.
- John Piper
It is not a bad thing to desire our own good. In fact, the great problem of human beings is that they are far too easily pleased. They don't seek pleasure with nearly the resolve and passion that they should. And so they settle for mud pies of appetite instead of infinite delight.
- John Piper
Our mistake lies not in the intensity of our desire for happiness, but in the weakness of it.
- John Piper
The aim of leadership is not to demonstrate the superiority of the leader, but to bring out all the strengths of people that will move them forward to the desired goal.
- John Piper
The lovers of God's Word praise the preciousness of the Bible and the pleasures it brings. They
- John Piper
The good tidings of the preacher, the peace and salvation that he publishes, are boiled down into one sentence: "Your God reigns!" Cotton Mather applies this, with full justification, to the preacher: "The great design . . . of a Christian preacher [is] to restore the throne and dominion of God in the souls of men.
- John Piper
God is not worshiped where He is not treasured and enjoyed. Praise is not an alternative to joy, but the expression of joy. Not to enjoy God is to dishonor Him. To say to Him that something else satisfies you more is the opposite of worship. It is sacrilege.
- John Piper
Fear not. Whether you live or die, you will be with me. And in the meantime, while you live, nothing will happen to you—nothing!—that I do not appoint. If I decide, you will live. If I decide, you will die. And until you die at my decision, I will decide if you do this or that. Get to work." This is my Rock—for today, tomorrow, and eternity.
- John Piper
That is not just the story of Israel. It's the story of humanity. It's the story of my life and your life.
- John Piper
And seek first in all you do to make known His kingship over your life.
- John Piper
Lord, let me make a difference for You that is utterly disproportionate to who I am.
- John Piper