Quotes from John Piper
The hope of heaven brought him joy, and joy brought him strength, and so, like John Calvin before him and George Whitefield after him (two verifiable examples) and, it would seem, like the apostle Paul himself ââ'¬Ã‚¦ he was astoundingly enabled to labor on, accomplishing more than would ever have seemed possible in a single lifetime."4 But
- John Piper
We know life is short and eternity is long. This eternal perspective does not take us out of the world. It gives us freedom from self-pity.
- John Piper
When we depend upon organizations, we get what organizations can do; when we depend upon education, we get what education can do; when we depend upon man, we get what man can do; but when we depend upon prayer, we get what God can do.1
- John Piper
Student—"any person who studies, investigates, or examines thoughtfully.
- John Piper
It seems to me that we are always falling off the horse on one side or the other in this matter of being tough and tender, durable and delightful, courageous and compassionate—wimping out on truth when we ought to be lionhearted, or wrangling when we ought to be weeping.
- John Piper
God responds to prayer because when we look away from ourselves to Christ as our only hope, that gives the Father an occasion to magnify the glory of his grace in the all-providing work of his Son. Similarly, fasting is peculiarly suited to glorify God in this way. It is fundamentally an offering of emptiness to God in hope.
- John Piper
Third, I define loving God mainly as treasuring God. That is, it is an experience of cherishing, delighting, admiring, and valuing.
- John Piper
No true Christian can endure in battling unrighteousness unless his heart is aflame with new spiritual affections, or passions.
- John Piper
Father, I am empty, but you are full. I am hungry, but you are the Bread of Heaven. I am thirsty, but you are the Fountain of Life. I am weak, but you are strong. I am poor, but you are rich. I am foolish, but you are wise. I am broken, but you are whole. I am dying, but your steadfast love is better than life" (see Psalm63:3). When God sees this confession of need and this expression of trust, he acts, because the glory of his all-sufficient grace is at stake.
- John Piper
The Bible itself shows that our ultimate goal in reading the Bible is that God's infinite worth and beauty would be exalted in the everlasting, white-hot worship of the blood-bought bride of Christ from every people, language, tribe, and nation.
- John Piper
I spoke the hardest words and almost broke: 'There is another kinsman still More close to you than I. He will Be given legal right to take You if he will. Tomorrow make Your prayer, and I will settle this With elder in the gate.' No kiss That night. But when she left, still dark, She took my hand and drew and arc And said, 'The God of Exodus And flood at dawn will fight for us.' That was our only touch.
- John Piper
No man can give the impression that he himself is clever and that Christ is mighty to save." Self-exaltation and Christ-exaltation can't go together.
- John Piper