Quotes from John Piper
The word mediates the glory, and the glory confirms the word.
- John Piper
Thinking is not just entertainment on the stage of life where nothing is real. It is really useful in knowing the God who is really there. It is useful in knowing what God has revealed about himself and about this world and how we should live in it.
- John Piper
It is possible to experience true divine wonders in your conversion but never to be taught a true description of what your experience is. Then someone starts to describe your experience in words you have never heard, and in ways you have never understood, and suddenly the strange words all sound exactly right.
- John Piper
The point here is that there is no true knowledge of God and no salvation apart from childlike dependence on the grace of God in Christ crucified. If we are not willing to see ourselves as helpless, ungodly sinners and cast ourselves for mercy on the grace of God in Christ, we will not know God or be saved by him.
- John Piper
In all his self-glorifying acts in the world, God is revealing and giving himself to all who will receive him as their portion and their treasure. His self-glorifying is not only a "show," but a gift of himself.
- John Piper
the bottom line of assurance comes when you stop analyzing and you look to Christ and you look and you look and you look until Christ himself in his glory and his sufficiency by reflex, as it were, awakens a self-forgetful "Yes!" to him.
- John Piper
For in the end, it is not Edwards or Piper or any other man who compels true faith, but God himself.
- John Piper
A thousand sorrows prepares a man to preach.
- John Piper
A non-treasured Christ is a nonsaving Christ.
- John Piper
It is radically humbling to confess that the source of all our joy resides outside ourselves.
- John Piper
I know of no other way to triumph over sin long-term than to gain a distaste for it because of a superior satisfaction in God." Desiring God, 12.
- John Piper
Sanctification in any area of our lives always expresses this double dimension—a putting off and a putting on, as it were. Speech and silence, appropriately expressed, are together the mark of the mature.3
- John Piper