Quotes from John Piper
Without a spiritual wakefulness to divine purposes and connections in all things, we will not know things for what they truly are.
- John Piper
Imagination is the faculty of the mind that God has given us to make the communication of his beauty beautiful.
- John Piper
Pride is no respecter of persons. The serious thinkers may be humble, and the careless mystics may be arrogant.
- John Piper
There will be no danger of idolatry. The earth and the heavens and all things will declare the glory of God, and the essence of our joy in them will be joy in him. What makes our reward truly great is the greater fullness of our fellowship with God.
- John Piper
Sin is what you do when your heart is not satisfied with God. No one sins out of duty. We sin because it holds out some promise of happiness. That promise enslaves us until we believe that God is more to be desired than life itself (Psalm 63:3).
- John Piper
My biggest concern about the effects of the prosperity movement is that it diminishes Christ by making him less central and less satisfying than his gifts.
- John Piper
O, the lessons here for us! Name your discouraging setback—personal, political, scholarly, ecclesiastical, cultural, global. Dare any Christian say that God is not in this for the good of his people and the glory of his name? Not if our God is the God of Ezra! Do you think these setbacks are not without some great purpose of righteousness bigger and more stunning than any of us can imagine?
- John Piper
conversion is the creation of new desires, not just new duties; new delights, not just new deeds; new treasures, not just new tasks.
- John Piper
A famous cigarette billboard pictures a curly-headed, bronze-faced, muscular macho with a cigarette hanging out the side of his mouth. The sign reads 'Where a man belongs.' That is a lie. Where a man belongs is at the bedside of his children, leading in devotion and prayer. Where a man belongs is leading his family to the house of God. Where a man belongs is up early and alone with God seeking vision and direction for the family.
- John Piper
Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn't. Worship is ultimate, not missions, because God is ultimate, not man.
- John Piper
The sun of God's glory was made to shine at the center of the solar system of our soul. And when it does, all the planets of our life are held in their proper orbit.
- John Piper
What masters us has become our god; and Paul warns us about those whose "god is their belly" (Philippi- ans 3:19).
- John Piper