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Quotes from Stephen Covey

The Character Ethic taught that there are basic principles of effective living, and that people can only experience true success and enduring happiness as they learn and integrate these principles into their basic character.
- Stephen Covey
Humans have between what happens to us and our response to it.
- Stephen Covey
In the words of Thoreau, "For every thousand hacking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root." We can only achieve quantum improvements in our lives as we quit hacking at the leaves of attitude and behavior and get to work on the root, the paradigms from which our attitudes and behaviors flow.
- Stephen Covey
My friend, love is a verb. Love—the feeling—is a fruit of love, the verb. So love her.
- Stephen Covey
It takes an enormous amount of internal security to begin with the spirit of adventure, the spirit of discovery, the spirit of creativity. Without doubt, you have to leave the comfort zone of base camp and confront an entirely new and unknown wilderness. You become a trailblazer, a pathfinder. You open new possibilities, new territories, new continents, so that others can follow.
- Stephen Covey
He that is good with a hammer tends to think everything is a nail.
- Stephen Covey
Whatever your present situation, I assure you that you are not your habits. You can replace old patterns of self-defeating behavior with new patterns, new habits of effectiveness, happiness, and trust-based relationships.
- Stephen Covey
While we do control our choice of action, we cannot control the consequences of our choices.
- Stephen Covey
When we set and achieve goals that are in our Center of Focus, we maximize the use of our time and effort. Interestingly, we find that as we do this over time, our Circle of Influence automatically increases. We find positive ways to influence more people and circumstances.
- Stephen Covey
Life is a mission and not a career.
- Stephen Covey
Principles are the simplicity on the far side of complexity.
- Stephen Covey
Unless you're influenced by my uniqueness, I'm not going to be influenced by your advice. So if you want to be really effective in the habit of interpersonal communication, you cannot do it with technique alone. You have to build the skills of empathic listening on a base of character that inspires openness and trust. And you have to build the Emotional Bank Accounts that create a commerce between hearts.
- Stephen Covey