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Quotes from Stephen Covey

Your ability to get along with others flows naturally from how well you are getting along with yourself from your own internal peace and harmony which is itself a function of your peace and harmony with God and your family.
- Stephen Covey
No enterprise can become or rains truly great without a core set of principles to preserve to build upon
- Stephen Covey
Lord, give me the courage to change the things which can and ought to be changed, the serenity to accept things which cannot be changed, and the wisdom to know the difference - Alcoholics Anonymous
- Stephen Covey
The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them - Einstein
- Stephen Covey
If you want the secondary greatness of recognized talent, focus first on primary greatness of character
- Stephen Covey
One man asked another on the death of a mutual friend, How much did he leave? His friend responded, He left it all.
- Stephen Covey
I have the power to choose my response.
- Stephen Covey
So also in a marriage or in helping a teenager through a difficult identity crisis—there is no quick fix, where you can just move in and make everything right with a positive mental attitude and a bunch of success formulas.
- Stephen Covey
Think with the end in mind. Before you go on a trip, you determine your destination and plan out the best route. Before you plant a garden, you plan it out in your mind, possibly on paper. You create speeches on paper before you give them, you envision the landscaping in your yard before you landscape it. You design the clothes you make before you thread the needle.
- Stephen Covey
We can actually live out the trials and temptations of the day before they come. We can in prayer deal with all our unrighteous aspirations, selfishness, perverse inclinations, impatience, anger, procrastination. This is a form of spiritual creation.
- Stephen Covey
The Altitude of a person depends upon his attitude
- Stephen Covey
Nothing is more exciting and bonding in relationships than creating together.
- Stephen Covey