Quotes from Winston Churchill
When you have got a thing where you want, it is a good thing to leave it where it is.
- Winston Churchill
Lots of folks are forced to skimp to support a government that won't.
- Winston Churchill
All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.
- Winston Churchill
I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.
- Winston Churchill
To be really happy and really safe, one ought to have at least two or three hobbies, and they must all be real.
- Winston Churchill
History with its flickering lamp stumbles along the trail of the past, trying to reconstruct its scenes, to revive its echoes, and kindle with pale gleams the passion of former days.
- Winston Churchill
It is a fine thing to be honest, but it is also very important to be right.
- Winston Churchill
A nation that fails to honor its heroes, soon will have no heroes to honor.
- Winston Churchill
Never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.
- Winston Churchill
You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves.
- Winston Churchill
I hope I shall never see the day when the Force of Right is deprived of the Right of Force.
- Winston Churchill
Not to have an adequate air force in the present state of the world is to compromise the foundations of national freedom and independence.
- Winston Churchill