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Quotes from Ernest Cline

OASIS. The Ontologically Anthropocentric Sensory Immersive Simulation
- Ernest Cline
Oh, and Wolverine had that idiotic Muramasa Blade made with part of his soul. Which, while incredibly lame, was still a far cooler magical weapon than Sting!
- Ernest Cline
teach them how to read, write, spell, and do arithmetic, all while staying physically fit and being kind to others.
- Ernest Cline
It is the world's first fully functional noninvasive brain-computer interface. It allows an OASIS user to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel their avatar's virtual environment, via signals transmitted directly into their cerebral cortex. The headset's sensor array also monitors and interprets its wearer's brain activity, allowing them to control their OASIS avatar just as they do their physical body—simply by thinking about it.
- Ernest Cline
What happens when you die? Well, we're not completely sure. But the evidence seems to suggest that nothing happens. You're just dead, your brain stops working, and then you're not around to ask annoying questions anymore
- Ernest Cline
because I knew there was a good chance it was going to end up getting me killed. But at this point, I no longer cared.
- Ernest Cline
La realidad no me entusiasma, pero sigue siendo el único lugar donde se come decentemente.
- Ernest Cline
- Ernest Cline
At the center of all that gear was the opening DJ, R2-D2, hard at work, using his various robotic arms to work the turntables.
- Ernest Cline
IOI required its egg hunters, which it referred to as "oologists," to use their employee numbers as their OASIS avatar names. These numbers were all six digits in length, and they also began with the numeral "6," so everyone began calling them the Sixers. These days, most gunters referred to them as "the Sux0rz." (Because they sucked.)
- Ernest Cline
Overall, she seemed to be going for a sort of mid-'80s postapocalyptic cyberpunk girl-next-door look. And it was working for me, in a big way.
- Ernest Cline
Casi siempre, la vida del ser humano es repugnante. Los videojuegos son lo único que la hacen soportable.
- Ernest Cline