Quotes from Kevin DeYoung
No one can hate you in this life more than Jesus was hated.
- Kevin DeYoung
If you make the goal of your life just to stay alive, you'll fail. If you make the goal of your life the kingdom, you cannot lose.
- Kevin DeYoung
Many of us think in terms in parental determinism: 'If I push all the right buttons my kids are going to turn out OK.' I want to instill in myself and my people a wonderful dose, not of carelessness, but of God's sovereignty. He knows the hairs on your kids' heads.
- Kevin DeYoung
Much of the impotence of American churches is tied to a profound ignorance and apathy about justification. Our people live in a fog of guilt. Or just as bad, they think being a better person is all God requires.
- Kevin DeYoung
Most everyone I know feels frazzled and overwhelmed most of the time.
- Kevin DeYoung
The Bible tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Surely part of loving in this way is trying to understand what another person wants us to understand. I may not understand perfectly and I may not agree, but if I love you I should try to know what it is you wish I could know.
- Kevin DeYoung
Our first love is Jesus. Holiness is not ultimately about living up to a moral standard. It's about living in Christ and living out of our real, vital union with him.
- Kevin DeYoung
The Heidelberg Catechism is like a refreshing bath with cool gospel water.
- Kevin DeYoung
We use the Heidelberg Catechism in our worship. Sometimes we read it responsively. Other times I'll work it into my communion liturgy. I'll quote it in my sermons from time to time. I've seen the Catechism used effectively as Sunday school material.
- Kevin DeYoung
As Christians, we worship a victimized Lord. We should expect to suffer and should have particular compassion on those who hurt emotionally and physically. But we do not resemble the Suffering Servant when we take pains to show off our suffering.
- Kevin DeYoung
We live in an emotionally fragile culture. We are in touch with every hurt past, present, and perceived. We are the walking wounded, and we want everyone to know.
- Kevin DeYoung
The mystery of the Christian life is that Christ expects us to flee sin and the devil, but does not expect us to rid ourselves of either on this side of glory. Repentance is a way of life, and so is the pursuit of godliness. I wish every Christian could be reminded of these two things.
- Kevin DeYoung