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Quotes from Ben Carson

Our problems are not ours alone — we share them with future generations — and we have a moral obligation to hand our nation over to our children and grandchildren in good shape.
- Ben Carson
We also need a way to regulate the way some companies and individuals buy up patents of promising ideas that would threaten their sources of revenue.
- Ben Carson
Political correctness has thrown a veil of silence over our important discussions. Rather than asking those with whom we disagree to clearly state their case, we set up rules of political correctness that mandate that their perspective must be the same as ours. We then demonize those with whom we disagree and as a result fail to reach any consensus that might solve our problems.
- Ben Carson
Until the antireligion zealots learn the meaning of the word tolerance, we will continue to experience unnecessary strife.
- Ben Carson
Civility and political correctness, contrary to the thinking of many, are not the same. Civility constrains behavior and words based on genuine caring about others, while political correctness is only a facade of caring while hoping to cultivate public approval.
- Ben Carson
I came to understand that very day that I was always angry because I was selfish. I felt that someone was always infringing on my rights, getting in my space, messing with my things, disregarding my positions, and so on, which offended me, leading to inappropriate behavior. Through wisdom provided by God it dawned on me that I should step outside of the center of the circle so that everything wasn't always about me.
- Ben Carson
Remaining a victim of circumstance is a state of being that we choose, a choice that — allows us to blame other people — lets us blame circumstances — permits us to avoid responsibility for our lives — encourages us to feel sorry for ourselves, and — guarantees that we will stay victims. No one has to be a victim!
- Ben Carson
If you want to be relevant only in your household, then you only need to know the things that are important in your house, and if you want to be relevant in your neighborhood, you need to know what's important in your neighborhood. The same thing applies to your city, state, and country. And if you want to be relevant to the entire world, program that computer known as your brain with all kinds of information from everywhere in order to prepare yourself.
- Ben Carson
We all have choices in the way we react to the words we hear. Our lives and the lives of all those around us will be significantly improved if we choose to react positively rather than negatively.
- Ben Carson
Breaking cycles of dependency, establishing cordial relationships between people of differing economic means, and reestablishing sound values and principles in our society can serve only to strengthen the fabric of our nation, which is what any government should want to do and which clearly promotes the general welfare.
- Ben Carson
We can help our nation quite a bit if we refrain from getting into our respective corners and throwing hand grenades at each other, and instead try to understand the other's viewpoint, reject the stifling of political correctness, and engage in intelligent civil discussion.
- Ben Carson
As citizens, we need to get beyond squabbling with one another about tactics. For example, instead of arguing about how fast the debt should be reduced, we should unite on the common ground that it ought to be reduced at all. As we fight over details, our children's future is worsening. It's time to focus on common ground and take swift action based on our agreement before our nation moves beyond saving.
- Ben Carson