Quotes from Ben Carson
Thinking Big means opening our horizons, reaching for new possibilities in our lives, being open to whatever God has in store for us on the road ahead. Thinking Big is another way of restating one of my mother's favorite sayings: "You can do anything they can do — only you must try to do it better!" That's Thinking Big.
- Ben Carson
No knowledge is ever wasted. To quote the apostle Paul: "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God" (Romans 8:28).
- Ben Carson
Compassion, however, should mean providing a mechanism to escape poverty rather than simply maintaining people in an impoverished state by supplying handouts. By doing this we give them an opportunity to elevate their personal situations, which eventually decreases our need to take care of them and empowers them to be able to exercise compassion toward others.
- Ben Carson
Because if you don't accept excuses, pretty soon people stop giving them, and they start looking for solutions. And that is a critical issue when it comes to success.
- Ben Carson
The best way to respond to distracting personal attacks is to practice bringing the conversation back to the issue at hand. Never fall into the trap of engaging in personal attacks while letting the topic of conversation slip into the background. Doing so allows your opponent to escape the need to explain her position.
- Ben Carson
Doing the right thing when it is not popular or when it is not going to get everyone's approval is not always easy, but I am convinced that if we truly care about other people, we will go ahead and take the risk anyway.
- Ben Carson
When someone is being particularly mean and nasty, I simply think to myself, he or she used to be a cute little baby, I wonder what happened?
- Ben Carson
Over the course of time many Americans have forgotten that "we the people" are actually at the top of the food chain as far as authority is concerned in this nation. The Republicans don't run our nation. The Democrats don't run our nation. We do. However, by dividing and engaging in political squabbles, we have allowed the government to grow so large and powerful that it has now become the boss, progressively taking charge of all of our lives.
- Ben Carson
To make the most out of life, all of us need to stop, think (and analyze), and use the talents God has given us.
- Ben Carson
Creativity is just learning to do something with a different perspective.
- Ben Carson
In an ideal world, both parties would desire to uphold the Constitution.
- Ben Carson
There isn't anybody in the world who isn't worth something," I say. "If you're nice to them, they'll be nice to you. The same people you meet on the way up are the same kind of people you meet on the way down. Besides that, every person you meet is one of God's children.
- Ben Carson