Quotes from Ben Carson
If it's in our constitution, if it's in our pledge, if it's in our courts, and it's on our money, yet we can't talk about it, what condition are we in as a country? In medicine we call it schizophrenia. And doesn't that describe a lot of what is going on in our society today?
- Ben Carson
I also believe that God has an overall plan for people's lives and the details get worked out along the way, even though we usually have no idea what's going on.
- Ben Carson
When politicians prioritize local rule instead of trying to force the whole country to agree with them, I think the pursuit of happiness will be within the reach of a far greater portion of our populace.
- Ben Carson
We were very poor. But between the covers of books I could go anywhere, I could be anybody, I could do anything. I began to read about people of great accomplishment. As I read those stories, I began to see a connecting thread. I began to see that the person who had the most to do with you and what happened to you in life, is you. You make decisions. You decide how much energy you want to put behind that decision.
- Ben Carson
Only through the careful study of historical documents can we prevent the distortion of where we came from and who we are as a nation.
- Ben Carson
If we are ever going to have adequate funding for health care and other major line items in our budget, however, we have to put an end to waste and fraud throughout the government, and we must create a friendly climate for economic growth.
- Ben Carson
If we can just tone down the rhetoric and discuss things like rational human beings, applying justice equally and not based on some political philosophy, we will validate that phrase at the end of our Pledge of Allegiance, which advocates "justice for all".
- Ben Carson
Today many people in America slavishly devote themselves to a political party without engaging in critical analysis of whether the philosophies of that party are really in sync with their true values and with the betterment of their position in society. If decades of such devotion leads to more broken families, more out-of-wedlock births, more involvement with the criminal justice system, more poverty and more dependency on government, maybe it is time to ask whether such devotion is warranted.
- Ben Carson
There is no substantial risk from vaccines and that the benefits are very significant.
- Ben Carson
After less than a week on campus I discovered I wan't that bright. All the students were bright; many of them extremely gifted and perceptive. Yale was a great leveler for me, because I now studied, worked, and lived with dozens of high-achieving students, and I didn't stand out among them.
- Ben Carson
Everyone should realize that today the average person lives to be about eighty years of age, the first twenty to twenty-five of which are used to either prepare oneself educationally — or not. For those who prepare well, about sixty years shall follow to reap the benefits; but for those who fail to prepare, there are sixty years to suffer the consequences.
- Ben Carson
Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: and a people who mean to be their own governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.
- Ben Carson