Quotes from Ben Carson
Then let's use this incredible tool God has given us to assess the risks that we face every day. We have the means to analyze risks and decide which are worth taking and which should be avoided. Do you have a brain? Then use it. That's the secret. That's my simple but powerful prescription for life, love, and success in a dangerous world.
- Ben Carson
Compromise is most likely when both parties respect each other no matter how much they disagree. In stressful situations where you need a consensus, respect sometimes means saying nothing and refraining from name-calling even when irritated.
- Ben Carson
When I was young, I thought classical music was only the background noise for cartoons.
- Ben Carson
The early bird gets the worm.
- Ben Carson
It mattered not what color your skin was on the outside, but rather what the condition was of your heart and mind inside.
- Ben Carson
When the party becomes more important than principle, we are in dire straits
- Ben Carson
The question is not whether a nation makes mistakes; the question is whether a nation learns from its mistakes, builds on that knowledge it gains over time, and grows in wisdom. Those nations who learn from their mistakes will become wise, while those who repeat the same mistakes over and over again, expecting a different result, are foolish.
- Ben Carson
As a Christian, I am not the least bit offended by the beliefs of Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and so forth. In fact, I am delighted to know that they believe in something that is more likely to make them into a reasonable human being, as long as they don't allow the religion to be distorted by those seeking power and wealth.
- Ben Carson
Proverbs 16:32, which says that mightier is the man who can control his temper than the man who can conquer a city.
- Ben Carson
Perhaps well-meaning individuals temporarily forgot that we live in a nation where the majority does not impose its will on the minority simply because it can.
- Ben Carson
In the church, we think of ourselves as all part of God's family. That means that we think of the people of where we worship as brothers and sister--part of our family. The church people have been treating us as the family members we are.
- Ben Carson
As Proverbs 17:9 reminds us, peace is more likely when one forgets about past wrongs as opposed to reminding others of them.
- Ben Carson