Quotes from JC Ryle
Justification is regarding and judging a person to be righteous for the sake of another, even Jesus Christ the Lord. Sanctification is actually making a person inwardly righteous, though it may be in a very small degree.
- JC Ryle
In justification, our own works have no place at all, and simple faith in Christ is the one thing needful. In sanctification, our own works are of great importance, and God instructs us to fight, watch, pray, strive, try, and work. Justification is a finished and complete work, and a person is perfectly justified the moment he believes. Sanctification is an imperfect work, comparatively, and will never be perfected until we reach heaven.
- JC Ryle
In walking with God, a man will go just as far as he believes, and no further.
- JC Ryle
He that would be conformed to Christ's image, and become a Christ-like man, must be constantly studying Christ Himself.
- JC Ryle
Sanctification is the only certain evidence of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which is essential to salvation.
- JC Ryle
Basically, where there is no sanctification there is no regeneration, and where there is no holy life there is no new birth.
- JC Ryle
I have had a deep conviction for many years that practical holiness and entire self-consecration to God are not sufficiently attended to by modern Christians in this country. Politics, or controversy, or party-spirit, or worldliness, have eaten out the heart of lively piety in too many of us.
- JC Ryle
but if you do not take the trouble with your children when they are young, they will give you trouble when they are old. Choose which you prefer.
- JC Ryle
Justification gives us our claim to heaven and boldness to enter in. Sanctification makes us suitable for heaven and prepares us to enjoy it when we dwell there.
- JC Ryle
Depend on it, the nearer men draw to heaven, the more humble do they become.
- JC Ryle
just as we know there is a wind by the effect it produces on waves and trees and smoke, so we can know that the Holy Spirit is in a person by the effects He produces in the person's conduct. It is foolish to think that we have the Spirit if we do not also walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:25). We can depend on it as an absolute certainty that where there is no holy living, there is no Holy Spirit. The seal that the Spirit stamps on Christ's people is sanctification
- JC Ryle
How true it is that the holiest saint in his humanness is a miserable sinner and a debtor to mercy and grace to the last moment of his existence
- JC Ryle