Quotes from JC Ryle
A humble and prayerful person will find a thousand things in the Bible, which the proud student will utterly fail to discern." ~ J.C. Ryle
- JC Ryle
My chief desire in all my writings, is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and make Him beautiful and glorious in the eyes of people; and to promote the increase of repentance, faith, and holiness upon earth.
- JC Ryle
Holiness is the habit of being of one mind with God, according as we find His mind described in Scripture. It is the habit of agreeing in God's judgment, hating what He hates, loving what He loves, and measuring everything in this world by the standard of His Word.
- JC Ryle
There are no lessons so useful as those learned in the school of affliction.
- JC Ryle
Better to confess Christ 1000 times now and be despised by men, than be disowned by Christ before God on the day of Judgment.
- JC Ryle
I am one of those old-fashioned ministers who believe the whole Bible and everything that it contains.
- JC Ryle
Laughter, ridicule, opposition and persecution are often the only reward which Christ's followers get from the world.
- JC Ryle
Next to praying there is nothing so important in practical religion as Bible reading. By reading that book we may learn what to believe, what to be, and what to do; how to live with comfort, and how to die in peace." Happy is that man who possesses a Bible! Happier still is he who reads it! Happiest of all is he who not only reads it, but obeys it, and makes it the rule of his faith and practice!
- JC Ryle
I entreat my readers, besides the Bible and the Articles, to read history.
- JC Ryle
One single soul saved shall outlive and outweigh all the kingdoms of the world.
- JC Ryle
Let us never measure our religion by that of others, and think we are doing enough if we have gone beyond our neighbors.
- JC Ryle
He does not regard the quantity of faith, but the quality. He does not measure its degree, but its truth. He will not break any bruised reed, nor quench any smoking flax. He will never let it be said that any perished at the foot of the cross.
- JC Ryle