Quotes from St. Augustine
Anger is a weed; hate is the tree.
- St. Augustine
The good man, though a slave, is free; the wicked, though he reigns, is a slave.
- St. Augustine
Humility is the foundation of all the other virtues: hence, in the soul in which this virtue does not exist there cannot be any other virtue except in mere appearance.
- St. Augustine
Love the sinner and hate the sin.
- St. Augustine
The desire for fame tempts even noble minds.
- St. Augustine
Because a thing is eloquently expressed it should not be taken to be as necessarily true; nor because it is uttered with stammering lips should it be supposed false.
- St. Augustine
For we cannot listen to those who maintain that the invisible God works no visible miracles; for even they believe that He made the world, which surely they will not deny to be visible. Whatever marvel happens in this world, it is certainly less marvelous than this whole world itself.
- St. Augustine
Hear, O God. Alas, for man's sin! So saith man, and Thou pitiest him; for Thou madest him, but sin is in him Thou madest not. Who remindeth me of the sins of my infancy? for in Thy sight none is pure from sin, not even the infant whose life is but a day upon the earth.
- St. Augustine
They, then, who are destined to die, need not be careful to inquire what death they are to die, but into what place death will usher them.
- St. Augustine
It is as if he should feel that there is an enemy who could be more destructive to himself than that hatred which excites him against his fellow man; or that he could destroy him whom he hates more completely than he destroys his own soul by this same hatred.
- St. Augustine
God judged it better to bring good out of evil than to suffer no evil to exist.
- St. Augustine
Carnal lust rules where there is no love of God.
- St. Augustine