Quotes from St. Augustine
I will not live an instant that I do not live in love. Whoever loves does all things without suffering, or, suffering, loves his suffering.
- St. Augustine
I have learnt to love you late, Beauty at once so ancient and so new!
- St. Augustine
War should we waged without love of violence, cruelty, or enmity.
- St. Augustine
Love and do as you will.
- St. Augustine
You (God) have not only commanded continence, that is, from what things we are to restrain our love, but also justice, that is, on what we are to bestow our love.
- St. Augustine
O Sacrament of Love! O sign of Unity! O bond of Charity! He who would have Life finds here indeed a Life to live in and a Life to live by.
- St. Augustine
Choose to love whomsoever thou wilt: all else will follow.
- St. Augustine
I have said before, and I shall say again, that I write this book for love of your love.
- St. Augustine
Dilige et quod vis fac. (Love and then what you will, do.)
- St. Augustine
We are and we know we are and we love to be it and know it.
- St. Augustine
He loves Thee too little, who loves anything together with Thee, which he loves not for Thy sake.
- St. Augustine
There is no greater invitation to love than loving first.
- St. Augustine