Quotes from St. Augustine
Only He who made man makes man happy.
- St. Augustine
The Devil often transforms himself into an angel to tempt men, some for their instruction, some for their ruin.
- St. Augustine
The love of our neighbor hath its bounds in each man's love of himself.
- St. Augustine
O that men would know themselves to be men; and that he that glorieth would glory in the Lord.
- St. Augustine
Really great things, when discussed by little men, can usually make such men grow big.
- St. Augustine
God has no need of your money, but the poor have. You give it to the poor, and God receives it.
- St. Augustine
This entire most beautiful order of good things is going to pass away after its measure has been exhausted; for both morning and evening were made in them.
- St. Augustine
No one can have God as his father who does not have the Church as his mother.
- St. Augustine
He was created of a mother whom He created. He was carried by hands that He formed. He cried in the manger in wordless infancy. He, the Word, without whom all human eloquence is mute.
- St. Augustine
My mother spoke of Christ to my father, by her feminine and childlike virtues, and, after having borne his violence without a murmur or complaint, gained him at the close of his life to Christ.
- St. Augustine
He who made thee is made in thee. He is made in thee through whom you were made.... Give milk, O mother, to him who is our food; give milk to the bread that comes down from heaven.
- St. Augustine
Did my infancy succeed another age of mine that dies before it? Was it that which I spent within my mother's womb?... And what before that life again, O God of my joy, was I anywhere or in any body?
- St. Augustine