Quotes from George Bernard Shaw
The great advantage of a hotel is that it is a refuge from home life.
- George Bernard Shaw
I'm one of the undeserving poor.
- George Bernard Shaw
Vivisection is a social evil because if it advances human knowledge, it does so at the expense of human character.
- George Bernard Shaw
Never fret for an only son, the idea of failure will never occur to him.
- George Bernard Shaw
Democracy is a form of government that substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.
- George Bernard Shaw
When our relatives are at home, we have to think of all their good points or it would be impossible to endure them.
- George Bernard Shaw
Everything I eat has been proved by some doctor or other to be a deadly poison, and everything I don't eat has been proved to be indispensable for life. But I go marching on.
- George Bernard Shaw
You have learnt something. That always feels at first as if you had lost something.
- George Bernard Shaw
The art of government is the organisation of idolatry.
- George Bernard Shaw
Suppose the world were only one of God's jokes, would you work any the less to make it a good joke instead of a bad one?
- George Bernard Shaw
A great devotee of the Gospel of Getting On.
- George Bernard Shaw
A life spent in making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent in doing nothing.
- George Bernard Shaw