Quotes from George Bernard Shaw
But your lordship knows very well that I am not attached to the soil in a vulgar manner, like a serf. Still, I have a feeling about it; [with growing agitation] and I am not ashamed of it; and [rising wildly] by God, if this goes on any longer I will fling my cassock to the devil, and take arms myself, and strangle the accursed witch with my own hands.
- George Bernard Shaw
If God lived on earth, people would break his windows.
- George Bernard Shaw
But the changes from the crab apple to the pippin, from the wolf and fox to the house dog, from the charger of Henry V to the brewer's draught horse and the racehorse, are real; for here Man has played the god, subduing Nature to his intention, and ennobling or debasing life for a set purpose. And what can be done with a wolf can be done with a man.
- George Bernard Shaw
Every man who records his illusions is providing data for the genuinely scientific psychology which the world still waits for.
- George Bernard Shaw
When a man says money can do anything that settles it: he hasn't got any. When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sport when a tiger wants to murder him he calls it ferocity.
- George Bernard Shaw
The reason why the continental European is, to the Englishman or American, so surprisingly ignorant of the Bible, is that the authorized English version is a great work of literary art, and the continental versions are comparatively artless.
- George Bernard Shaw
People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.
- George Bernard Shaw
If we desire a certain type of civilisation and culture we must exterminate the sort of people who do not fit into it.
- George Bernard Shaw
I am convinced that fine art is the subtlest, the most seductive, the most effective instrument of moral propaganda in the world, excepting only the example of personal conduct; and I waive even this exception in favor of the art of the stage, because it works by exhibiting examples of personal conduct made intelligible and moving to crowds of unobservant, unreflecting people to whom real life means nothing.
- George Bernard Shaw
She is to him the reality of romance, the leaner good sense of nonsense, the unveiling of his eyes, the freeing of his soul, the abolition of time, place and circumstance, the etherealization of his blood into rapturous rivers of the very water of life itself, the revelation of all the mysteries and the sanctification of all the dogmas.
- George Bernard Shaw
You came clothed with the virtue of humility; and because God blessed your enterprises accordingly, you have stained yourself with the sin of pride.
- George Bernard Shaw
If other people are going to talk, conversation becomes impossible.
- George Bernard Shaw