Quotes from James A. Garfield
A pound of pluck is worth a ton of luck.
- James A. Garfield
I am trying to do two things: dare to be a radical and not a fool, which is a matter of no small difficulty.
- James A. Garfield
A brave man is a man who dares to look the Devil in the face and tell him he is a Devil.
- James A. Garfield
The men who succeed best in public life are those who take the risk of standing by their own convictions.
- James A. Garfield
The worst days of darkness through which I have ever passed have been greatly alleviated by throwing myself with all my energy into some work relating to others.
- James A. Garfield
Man cannot live by bread alone he must have peanut butter.
- James A. Garfield
Right reason is stronger than force.
- James A. Garfield
For love of country they accepted death.
- James A. Garfield
Fellow citizens! God reigns, and the Government at Washington still lives!
- James A. Garfield
Next in importance to freedom and justice is popular education, without which neither freedom nor justice can be permanently maintained.
- James A. Garfield
Few men in our history have ever obtained the Presidency by planning to obtain it.
- James A. Garfield
If the power to do hard work is not a skill, it's the best possible substitute for it.
- James A. Garfield