Quotes from William Seymour
The thing that makes us know that this "latter rain" that is flooding the world with the glory of God is of the Lord, is because the devil is not in such business.
- William Seymour
Justification and regeneration are simultaneous. The pardoned sinner becomes a child of God in justification.
- William Seymour
Let us honor the blood of Jesus Christ every moment of our lives, and we will be sweet in our souls.
- William Seymour
In a short time God began to manifest His power and soon the building could not contain the people. Now the meetings continue all day and into the night and the fire is kindling all over the city and surrounding towns. Proud, well-dressed preachers come in to "investigate." Soon their high looks are replaced with wonder, then conviction comes, and very often you will find them in a short time wallowing on the dirty floor, asking God to forgive them and make them as little children.
- William Seymour
Then you will not be ashamed to tell men and demons that you are sanctified, and are living a pure and holy life free from sin, a life that gives you power over the world, the flesh, and the devil.
- William Seymour
Sickness and disease are destroyed through the precious atonement of Jesus. O how we ought to honor the stripes of Jesus, for "with his stripes we are healed.
- William Seymour
The Pentecostal power, when you sum it all up, is just more of God's love. If it does not bring more love, it is simply a counterfeit.
- William Seymour
The Word says: "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
- William Seymour
The Pentecostal power, when you sum it all up, is just more of God's love. If it does not bring more love, it is simply a counterfeit.
- William Seymour
Our salvation is not in some father or human instruments. It is sad to see people so blinded, worshiping the creature more than the Creator.
- William Seymour
Sanctification makes us holy and destroys the breed of sin, the love of sin and carnality. It makes us pure and whiter than snow. Bless His holy name!
- William Seymour
Any man that is saved and sanctified can feel the fire burning in his heart, when he calls on the name of Jesus.
- William Seymour