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Quotes from Billy Graham

The greatest need in the world is the transformation of human nature. We need a new heart that will not have lust and greed and hate in it. We need a heart filled with love and peace and joy, and that is why Jesus came into the world.
- Billy Graham
The Bible teaches that we are to live in this world, but we are not to partake of the evils of the world. We are to be separated from the world of evil. When I face something in the world, I ask: "Does it violate any principle of Scripture? Does it take the keen edge off my Christian life? Can I ask God's blessing on it? Will it be a stumbling block to others? Would I like to be there, or reading that, or be watching that, if Christ should return at that time?
- Billy Graham
Many churches have molded their programs around the community—not the Word of God.
- Billy Graham
We have arrived at the point where we are flippant about God. We tell jokes about Him. God's name is used so often in profanity in the entertainment world that sometimes it is embarrassing to watch television.
- Billy Graham
The Bible teaches us to be more concerned about the needs and feelings of others than our own. We are to encourage and build self-confidence in our loved ones, friends, and associates.
- Billy Graham
Often it takes that "knife in our heart" to drive us to Him. Our faith, our very lives, depend on God, and when we enter the valley of grief, we need His help or we will never climb another mountain.
- Billy Graham
We now have the advantage of a few years more of life, but death is still standing at the end of the road.
- Billy Graham
God speaks to those who are prepared in their hearts to listen. Discern the voice from heaven above the noisy din of earth's confusion.
- Billy Graham
May we store up the truths of God's Word in our hearts as much as possible, so that we are prepared for whatever suffering we are called upon to endure.
- Billy Graham
The Lord did not design the church to cater to people's needs—the Lord breathed life into the church to proclaim His truths.
- Billy Graham
We never gain in life by hurting others. Sometimes we try to elevate our own insecure egos by degrading and belittling those around us. Yet this produces only a false sense of self-esteem.
- Billy Graham
We glorify Christ when we live for God—trusting, loving, and obeying Him.
- Billy Graham