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Quotes from Billy Graham

The cross has become a symbol in much of the Western world, misused by many rock stars and others who do not comprehend its significance.
- Billy Graham
No area of human life is so full of difficulties and heartaches as relationships. If you listed everything that upset you during the past week, I suspect most had to do with other people. People can be selfless and kind, but they can also be difficult, stubborn, ego-driven, thoughtless, mean, selfish, manipulative. But the problem is not just other people; it's also ourselves.
- Billy Graham
Sin's masterpiece of shame and hate became God's masterpiece of mercy and forgiveness. Through the death of Christ upon the cross, sin itself was crucified for those who believe in Him.
- Billy Graham
Disappointments are part of life; we can't always have our own way, and we need to learn to separate what is significant from what is merely annoying. Only in heaven will we be free of all disappointments and failures. A friend of mine says, "Oh well, a hundred years from now it won't make any difference!
- Billy Graham
Had Satan not set himself in opposition to God . . . there would have been no need for God to send His Son to the cross.
- Billy Graham
Great crowds followed our Lord . . . as He healed the sick, raised the dead, and fed the hungry. However, the moment He started talking about the cross . . . "many . . . no longer followed him" (John 6:66 NIV).
- Billy Graham
If we who have the Holy Spirit living and working within us falter and fail, what hope is there for the rest of the world?
- Billy Graham
Too many husbands and wives enter into marriage with the idea that their spouse exists for one purpose: to make them happy.
- Billy Graham
Be willing to be sneered at than to be approved, counting the cross of Christ greater riches than all the treasures of Washington, London, Paris, or Moscow.
- Billy Graham
Sinners, pray to a merciful God for forgiveness.
- Billy Graham
Jesus was born with the cross darkening His pathway . . . From the cradle to the cross, [Jesus'] purpose was to die.
- Billy Graham
The evangelistic harvest is always urgent. The destiny of men and of nations is always being decided. Every generation is crucial; every generation is strategic. But we cannot be held responsible for the past generation and we cannot bear full responsibility for the next one. However we do have our generation! God will hold us responsible at the judgment seat of Christ for how well we fulfilled our responsibilities and took advantage of our opportunities.
- Billy Graham