Quotes from Billy Graham
Be a good witness by the way you live. The way we live is often more convincing than the words we say.
- Billy Graham
Sin is rebellion against God.
- Billy Graham
So when you sense a still, small voice in your soul—and you have or you will—it is the Holy Spirit of God telling you that you're not right with Him. Do not ignore the Voice. God is drawing you by His love—don't pull away. When you quench the fire of conviction, you have rejected the Holy Spirit. So when you feel that tug, do not resist. Take hold of the living Christ, who will come and dwell in you.
- Billy Graham
God does not want an apartment in our house. He claims our entire home from attic to cellar.
- Billy Graham
The Bible stands as the supreme Constitution for all mankind, its laws applying equally to all who live under its domain, without exception or special interpretation.
- Billy Graham
The time to prepare for life's disappointments and hurts is in advance.
- Billy Graham
Don't let failure or disappointment cut you off from God or make you think the future is hopeless. When God closes one door, He often opens another—if we seek it.
- Billy Graham
Sometimes it is difficult to differentiate the Christian from the man of the world. In America, for example, churchgoing has become popular, but churchgoing may not necessarily be accompanied by genuine depth in prayer and Bible study or a change in lifestyle.
- Billy Graham
How often do you cave in to the pressures of the crowd, seeking the approval of others instead of the approval of God? We all like to be liked—but that can be a very dangerous thing. Make it your goal to live for Christ and be faithful to Him, regardless of what the crowd demands.
- Billy Graham
Many of the mysteries of God—the heartaches, trials, disappointments, tragedies, and the silence of God in the midst of suffering—will be revealed in heaven.
- Billy Graham
Become grounded in the Bible. As Christians, we have only one authority, one compass: the Word of God.
- Billy Graham
Nothing can alter the fact that God calls perversion sin.
- Billy Graham