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Quotes from Billy Graham

Jesus asked His followers to count the cost carefully, lest they should turn back when they met with suffering and privation. He told His followers that the world would hate them.
- Billy Graham
If evil were not made to appear attractive, there would be no such thing as temptation. It is in the close similarity between good and evil, right and wrong, that the danger lies.
- Billy Graham
God has paid the greatest debt you will ever incur, and once you understand the incredible sacrifice He has made just for you, you will feel compelled to turn to God and to accept Jesus Christ into your heart.
- Billy Graham
The same Book that tells us over and over again of God's love warns us constantly of the devil who would come between us and God, the devil who is ever waiting to ensnare men's souls.
- Billy Graham
Sin then is not a toy with which to play but a terror to be shunned.
- Billy Graham
Benevolent hands reach down from heaven to offer us the most hopeful warning and remedy: "Prepare to meet your God".
- Billy Graham
Satan wants to lure us into his traps, and he knows exactly what kind of "bait" will appeal to us. He knows what we're like, and he will attack us exactly where we are the weakest.
- Billy Graham
Satan rejoices when old habits overwhelm [us] and we cave in to the pressure of the crowd . . .perhaps temptation lures [us] into sin . . .a backsliding Christian compromises their faith and causes unbelievers to mock the Gospel.
- Billy Graham
Gratitude is one of the greatest Christian virtues; ingratitude, one of the most vicious sins.
- Billy Graham
Joy is not gush; Joy is not jolliness. Joy is simply perfect acquiescence in God's will, because the soul delights itself in God Himself.
- Billy Graham
Our creativity, our inner sense of right and wrong, our ability to love and to reason—all bear witness to the fact that God created us in His image. The Bible says God "has not left himself without testimony" [Acts 14:17 NIV].
- Billy Graham
We have largely lost sight of the holiness and purity of God today. This is one reason why we tolerate sin so easily.
- Billy Graham