Quotes from Billy Graham
Many people have just enough natural religion to make them immune to the real thing.
- Billy Graham
The Bible differentiates clearly between true faith and mere religiosity.
- Billy Graham
Faith isn't pretending our problems don't exist, nor is it simply blind optimism. Faith points us beyond our problems to the hope we have in Christ.
- Billy Graham
In heaven I'll wish with all my heart that I could reclaim a thousandth part of the time I've let slip through my fingers, that I could call back those countless conversations which could have glorified my Lord—but didn't.
- Billy Graham
Be very sure that you do not deliberately place yourself in a position to be tempted.
- Billy Graham
Fear can paralyze us and keep us from believing God and stepping out in faith. The devil loves a fearful Christian!
- Billy Graham
A computer . . . has no worth unless it is programmed . . . The believer has tremendous potential, but that potential cannot be used until he is programmed with the Word of God.
- Billy Graham
I have become more deeply aware of the enormous problems that face our world today, and the dangerous trends which seem to be leading our world to the brink of Armageddon.
- Billy Graham
Scientific discoveries (not theories) are found more and more to fit into the record God has given us in His Word.
- Billy Graham
Without the resurrection, the cross is meaningless.
- Billy Graham
God's strength is made perfect in weakness. The weaker I became, the more powerful became the preaching.
- Billy Graham
It often takes a tragedy to open our hearts, minds, and wills to the truth of God's Word.
- Billy Graham