Quotes from Billy Graham
Most of all, let the Word of God fill you and renew your mind every day. When our minds are on Christ, Satan has little room to maneuver.
- Billy Graham
Students today want to know about the devil, about witchcraft, about the occult. Many people do not know they are turning to Satan. They are being deluded.
- Billy Graham
When Jesus needed friends, they left Him.
- Billy Graham
Anxiety and fear are like baby tigers: The more you feed them, the stronger they grow.
- Billy Graham
God the Spirit will never lead you contrary to the Word of God. I hear people saying, "The Lord led me to do this . . ." I am always a little suspicious unless what the Lord has said is in keeping with His Word.
- Billy Graham
Many people say they do not fear death, but the process of dying. It's not the destination, but the trip that they dread.
- Billy Graham
Faith grows when it is planted in the fertile soil of God's Word.
- Billy Graham
Man seeks to excuse himself of sin, but God seeks to convict him of it and to save him from it. Sin is no amusing toy—it is a terror to be shunned! Learn, then, what constitutes sin in the eyes of God!
- Billy Graham
Jesus didn't leave a material inheritance to His disciples. All He had when He died was a robe. But Jesus willed His followers something more valuable than gold. He willed us His peace. He said: "My peace I give to you; not as the world gives" [John 14:27 KJV].
- Billy Graham
I trust Jesus with all my tomorrows, knowing that He will solve the mystery of life beyond the grave.
- Billy Graham
Most people are living for today with barely a thought of eternity.
- Billy Graham
What a comfort it was for me to know that no matter where I was in the world, my mother was praying for me.
- Billy Graham