Quotes from Billy Graham
In His thirty-three years on earth, Jesus suffered with man; on the cross He suffered for man.
- Billy Graham
Man has not changed. Man still rejects the testimony of the Scripture.
- Billy Graham
The entire world is in turmoil. We are living in a time of enormous conflict and cultural transformation. We have been stunned by shockwaves of change in nation after nation, all around the globe.
- Billy Graham
We need to know what the Bible teaches about right and wrong. Every day we are battered by messages—from the media, advertising, entertainment, celebrities, even our friends—with one underlying theme: "Live for yourself".
- Billy Graham
It is a tragedy that many of God's people have conformed themselves to the world and its thinking, rather than being transformed by the renewing of their minds.
- Billy Graham
It is Satan's purpose to steal the seed of truth from your heart by sending distracting thoughts... The difference between a Christian and a non-Christian is: though they both may have good and evil thoughts, Christ gives His followers strength to select the right rather than the wrong.
- Billy Graham
Blood is mentioned 460 times in the Bible. Fourteen times in the New Testament Jesus spoke of His own blood. Why? Because by the shedding of His blood, He accomplished the possibility of our salvation.
- Billy Graham
Don't take your Bible for granted! For centuries ordinary believers had no access to the Bible; Bibles had to be painstakingly copied by hand and were very expensive. The only access most people had to the Bible was by hearing it read in church. The invention of the printing press changed all that, however, and today the Bible is readily available in multiple translations and hundreds of languages around the world.
- Billy Graham
If we allow our Christian faith to be adulterated with materialism, watered down by secularism, and intermingled with a bland humanism, we cannot stand up to a system that has vowed to bury us.
- Billy Graham
We enjoy the sense of God's presence in the midst of suffering here and now. I have talked to people who are experiencing deep pain or severe difficulties, and they have said, "I feel God is so close to me".
- Billy Graham
Sometimes we face "gray areas," things that aren't necessarily forbidden by the Bible but still may not belong in our lives.
- Billy Graham
It could be said that going to church will not make one a Christian. But... refusing to fellowship with believers will not make you one either.
- Billy Graham