Quotes from Billy Graham
Money represents your time, your energy, your talents, your total personality converted into currency. We usually hold on to it tenaciously, yet it is uncertain in value and we cannot take it into the next world.
- Billy Graham
Prayer is our lifeline to God.
- Billy Graham
Though some Bible students have tried to estimate how much this stone weighed, we need not speculate, because Jesus could have come out of that tomb whether the stone was there or not.
- Billy Graham
The Bible clearly teaches that when we turn our backs on God and choose to disregard His moral laws there are inevitable consequences. Furthermore it is not God who is to blame for the consequences, but the person who has broken His law.
- Billy Graham
Ask [God] to help you reflect Christ as you grow older, instead of turning sour or grumpy.
- Billy Graham
I'm afraid most Bibles remain unopened and unread. Don't let this be true of yours!
- Billy Graham
Our world today desperately hungers for hope, and yet uncounted people have almost given up. There is despair and hopelessness on every hand. Let us be faithful in proclaiming the hope that is in Jesus!
- Billy Graham
The Christian should stand out like a sparkling diamond against a rough background. He should be more wholesome than anyone else. He should be poised, cultured, courteous, gracious, but firm in the things that he does and does not do. He should laugh and be radiant, but he should refuse to allow the world to pull him down to its level.
- Billy Graham
We] are not here by chance or by accident; God put us on this journey called life. We came from Him, and our greatest joy will come from giving ourselves back to Him and learning to walk with Him every day until we return to Him.
- Billy Graham
Worry is an old man with a bent head, carrying a load of feathers he thinks is lead.
- Billy Graham
Because truth is unpopular does not mean that it should not be proclaimed.
- Billy Graham
When we are a comfort and encouragement to others, we are sometimes surprised at how it comes back to us many times over.
- Billy Graham