Quotes from Billy Graham
The Bible is a living Book and can be trusted for its advice and direction and knowledge of God.
- Billy Graham
Christ was so intolerant of man's lost estate that He left His lofty throne in the heavenlies, took on Himself the form of man, suffered at the hands of evil men, and died a shameful death on a cruel cross to purchase our redemption. So serious was man's plight that the Lord could not look upon it lightly. With the love that was His, He could not be broad-minded about a world held captive by its lusts, its appetites, and its sins.
- Billy Graham
For the believer there is hope beyond the grave, because Jesus Christ has opened the door to heaven for us by His death and resurrection.
- Billy Graham
A marriage based only on physical attraction or romantic emotions is almost certainly doomed to failure right from the start.
- Billy Graham
I have stood in the places where history was made. I have seen with my own eyes the part that men and women of faith have played in these earthshaking events, and I have heard with my own ears their cries for freedom.
- Billy Graham
Man persists in waywardness. If one institution fails [he says], try another—anything but God's plan.
- Billy Graham
Jesus demonstrated the importance of prayer by His own example. His whole ministry was saturated with prayer.
- Billy Graham
There are countless opportunities to comfort others, not only in the loss of a loved one, but also in the daily distress that so often creeps into our lives.
- Billy Graham
All over the world God is opening doors of opportunity, making it possible for us to take the Gospel to millions who have never heard of Christ.
- Billy Graham
Some of the most miserable people I have ever met have been people who are very popular with the public, but down inside are empty and miserable.
- Billy Graham
In our world, we give most attention to satisfying the appetites of the body and practically none to the soul. Consequently we are one-sided. We become fat physically and materially, while spiritually we are lean, weak, and anemic.
- Billy Graham
It would be the greatest tragedy if I didn't tell you that unless you repent of your sins and receive Christ as your Savior, you are going to be lost.
- Billy Graham