Quotes from Billy Graham
Today our churches are filled, but how many are actually practicing Christianity in daily life?
- Billy Graham
Perhaps the greatest psychological, spiritual, and medical need that all people have is the need for hope.
- Billy Graham
I know of few families today that aren't touched to some extent by the heartache of divorce, including our own.
- Billy Graham
We must warn the nations of the world that they must repent and turn to God while there is yet time. We must also proclaim that there is forgiveness and peace in knowing Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
- Billy Graham
Man boasts of his nobility, his ideals, and his progress. Man's goal is imitation, not redemption.
- Billy Graham
Be sure that your motive in praying is to glorify God.
- Billy Graham
The Bible teaches that life does not end at the cemetery. There is a future life.
- Billy Graham
How much greater should be our longing for our eternal home! You and I aren't meant to live for only a few decades on this earth; we are destined for eternity. The Bible says this world is not our final home; we are "strangers and pilgrims on the earth" (Hebrews 11:13 NKJV). Our true home is heaven—and that is where God's path leads.
- Billy Graham
Preaching the whole council of God involves man's environment and physical being as well as his soul. There is no doubt that the church is in danger of getting off the main track and getting lost.
- Billy Graham
We should go to no place that we would not go in His Presence. But He is not with us just to judge or condemn us; He is near to comfort, protect, guide, encourage, strengthen, cleanse, and help.
- Billy Graham
My wife has said that a bitter, sour Christian is one of Satan's greatest trophies—and she's right.
- Billy Graham
God did not ordain that the church should drift aimlessly in the seas of uncertainty without compass, captain, or crew.
- Billy Graham