Quotes from Billy Graham
Thousands of people have entered churches without discovering a vital experience with Jesus Christ. The substitutes have been handed them in the guise of religious rituals, good works, community effort, or social reform... none of which can gain a person a right relationship with God.
- Billy Graham
A born-again Christian should no more think of going back to the old life than an adult to his childhood.
- Billy Graham
The Lord Jesus Christ is preparing a home fit for all who live for Him, a place designed for the church triumphant. Let's exemplify the work of His hands, for they are busy, on our behalf, building a city large enough to encompass His people of faith—an eternal home for the soul.
- Billy Graham
Memorizing the Bible is most important. "Thinking God's thoughts" will take the place of worried, anxious concerns.
- Billy Graham
As men and women seek to find independence from God, they have lost a sense of purpose in life. The worth of human personality is often equated with what we do for a living. However, a person's occupation, community standing, or bank account is not what is important in God's eyes.
- Billy Graham
Often, we try to tell God what we want Him to do—but ask Him to help you guard against this, and to seek His will instead of your own. Pray and ask God to guide you.
- Billy Graham
Sin has tarnished every area of life, and [Christ] wants to erase its stain everywhere.
- Billy Graham
The cult of self has become an addiction—feeding off the ego of self-glorification. The word cult encompasses many movements and ideas, but simply put, it describes a culture of alternative beliefs, fads, and trends, and tampers with just enough truth to knock many off balance.
- Billy Graham
The Bible can stand the onslaught of any enemy.
- Billy Graham
Many Christians who profess Christ do not live as though they possess Him.
- Billy Graham
Many people today have discarded the Bible's clear teaching on sexual relations outside of marriage, simply because they are absorbed only in their own pleasures and desires.
- Billy Graham
How can you keep your mind from wandering when you pray? Remember what you are doing: talking to God. If you had the opportunity to talk with the president, I doubt if your mind would wander. [We] have the privilege of talking to someone far greater: the King of kings!
- Billy Graham