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Quotes from Billy Graham

God calls us to live lives of purity.
- Billy Graham
I am convinced if the church went back to the main task of proclaiming the Gospel it would see people being converted to Christ, and it would have a far greater impact on the social, moral, and psychological needs of people than anything else it could possibly do.
- Billy Graham
Christianity has its roots in the deep, firm soil of history. Jesus' incarnation—God invading human history with His presence in the form of man—is on the record. Every time you write the date, you attest to the fact that God entered human history.
- Billy Graham
Is it not arrogance or narrow-mindedness to claim that there is only one way of salvation or that the way we follow is the right way? I think not. After all, do we fault a pilot for being narrow-minded when he follows the instrument panel [while] landing in a rainstorm? No, we want him to remain narrowly focused!
- Billy Graham
I am becoming aware of the truth that people change people as much as ideas change people. The power of personality is strong... often personality is greater than the idea.
- Billy Graham
Too many times we are concerned with how much, instead of how little, like this [world] we can become.
- Billy Graham
Too often we use petty little petitions, oratorical exercises, or the words of others rather than the cries of our inmost being. When you pray, pray!
- Billy Graham
Ask God to reveal hypocrisy in your life—an inconsistency between what you profess and what you practice. Then ask God to bring you so close to Christ that you won't have any desire to live an inconsistent, deceitful life.
- Billy Graham
Today we see social evil, terrorism, and gross immorality throughout the world. Someone has said, "A wrong deed is right if the majority of people declare it not to be wrong." By this principle we can see our standards shifting from year to year according to the popular vote! This new permissiveness is condoned by intelligent men and women, many of whom are found in the churches.
- Billy Graham
What began as an apparently harmless pastime has ended up as a frightening, overpowering addiction or obsession.
- Billy Graham
Those who read the Scriptures as magnificent literature, breath-taking poetry, or history and overlook the story of salvation miss the Bible's real meaning and message.
- Billy Graham
If I had it to do over again, I'd spend more time in meditation and prayer and just telling the Lord how much I love Him.
- Billy Graham