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Quotes from Billy Graham

I get many letters every day from people who got married because they wanted their own selfish needs satisfied, and have only later come to realize that this does not work.
- Billy Graham
I am in favor of hanging the Ten Commandments in every schoolroom in the country so young people can know the difference between right and wrong. They don't know the difference and we're seeing the evidence of that all around us every day.
- Billy Graham
Can the sin of one or a few cause suffering for many? The answer, of course, is yes, for no sin is isolated in the life of the sinner. It spreads like poison gas into every available crevice.
- Billy Graham
Jeremiah said centuries ago: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?" (Jer. 17:9).
- Billy Graham
The word church as applied to the Christian society was first used by Jesus Himself when He told Peter, "Upon this rock I will build my church" [Matthew 16:18]. He is the foundation of all Christian experience.
- Billy Graham
All of Christianity is based on a person—Jesus Christ. Christ Himself is the embodiment of the Gospel.
- Billy Graham
Since the Bible is God's Word, we shouldn't be surprised if Satan tries to convince us otherwise.
- Billy Graham
The human race is called on throughout the Bible to repent of sin and return to God.
- Billy Graham
The Charter of the United Nations said in its preamble: "We the people determined to save succeeding generations from war..." Can the United Nations save the world from war? The answer is No! It was conceived and created by statesmen who knew little of the significance of the biblical concept of history and the nature of man. When the perspective is wrong, the whole viewpoint will be wrong.
- Billy Graham
The men upon whose shoulders rested the initial responsibility of Christianizing the world came to Jesus with one supreme request. They did not say, "Lord, teach us to preach"; "Lord, teach us to do miracles"; or "Lord, teach us to be wise"... but they said, "Lord, teach us to pray.
- Billy Graham
I could recall countless illustrations of men and women who have encountered Jesus Christ... Their whole lives have been transformed.
- Billy Graham
Among young people... drinking is for getting drunk. And many go on to become alcoholics.
- Billy Graham