Quotes from Abraham Kuyper
It is impossible, Bible in hand, to limit Christ's Church to one's own little community. It is everywhere, in all parts of the world; and whatever its external form, frequently changing, often impure, yet the gifts wherever received increase our riches.
- Abraham Kuyper
Lutheranism restricted itself to an exclusively ecclesiastical and theological character, while Calvinism put its impress in and outside the church upon every aspect of human life.
- Abraham Kuyper
Art cannot be excused from following God's law, and art disgraces itself by seeking that freedom. Anything that cannot be put into an image or onto a canvas without demanding the sacrifice of modesty or injuring shame must simply be eschewed. Art is not autonomous. Art is one of the more refined human life expressions, and all these life expressions are organically related and stand continuously under God's ordinance.
- Abraham Kuyper
Knowledge (curriculum) and behavior (pedagogy) are embedded in everyone's core beliefs about the nature of God, humanity, and the world.
- Abraham Kuyper
The other parties campaign for parliamentary seats, more or less. We campaign for our principles!
- Abraham Kuyper
The Holy Scripture is like a diamond: in the dark it is like a piece of glass, but as soon as the light strikes it the water begins to sparkle, and the scintillation of life greets us.
- Abraham Kuyper
What is hell other than a realm in which unholiness works without restraint in body and soul?
- Abraham Kuyper
The domain of Calvinism is indeed far broader than the narrow confessional interpretation would lead us to suppose.
- Abraham Kuyper
Though it was not right, and never can be, we understand what went on in the heart of those who sought escape from the world, in cell or hermitage, for the sake of unbroken fellowship with God. It might have been efficacious, if in withdrawing from the world they had been able to leave the world behind. But we carry it in our heart. Wherever we go it goes with us.
- Abraham Kuyper
Every State-formation, every assertion of the power of the magistrate, every mechanical means of compelling order and of guaranteeing a safe course of life is therefore always something unnatural;
- Abraham Kuyper
Genius is a sovereign power; it forms schools; it lays hold on the spirits of men, with irresistible might; and it exercises an immeasurable influence on the whole condition of human life. This sovereignty of genius is a gift of God, possessed only by his grace. It is subject to no one and is responsible to him alone who has granted it this ascendancy.
- Abraham Kuyper
That Christ's Baptism was not a mere form, but the fulfilling of all righteousness, proves that He descended into the water burdened with our sins.
- Abraham Kuyper