Quotes from Keith Flint
Your mates are the people who have been around 10 years or more.
- Keith Flint
I know that I'm with the best people I can be, and my arsenal of sounds and songs and tracks is as good as it could possibly be. Don't be in a band unless you feel that.
- Keith Flint
America is really happy to be sold something.
- Keith Flint
I'm not the kind of guy who can be sitting around listening to Joni Mitchell, chilling. I'd rather bash my head against a wall.
- Keith Flint
I think anyone who's willing to be brutally honest with who they are and express themselves is always going to get the oddball label, the pyscho label, the twisted label. That's what happens.
- Keith Flint
I like jokes and one-liners. I enjoy entertaining and making people laugh, being the funny man. But when I'm launched into unfamiliar environments I shut down, and as I relax then my character emerges.
- Keith Flint
I don't hear anyone out there that sounds like us. They can try but it's in the sonics, the whole carcass of the song. The way it attacks you is so well engineered. No one else can do that. They don't have the ability to make that noise.
- Keith Flint
We've stood by who we are and we didn't listen to anyone else.
- Keith Flint
If you're onstage thinking about what you're going to eat when you get offstage, it's time to finish.
- Keith Flint
When we walk onto that stage I'm not feeling like I'm ruled by any other band.
- Keith Flint
I'm proud to say I've never listened to that 'Gangnam Style.'
- Keith Flint