Quotes from AW Pink
Christ is the Divine answer to the Devil's overthrow of our first parents.
- AW Pink
There must be head faith before there can be heart faith. We must believe intellectually before we can believe savingly in the Lord Jesus.
- AW Pink
He died in 1952, and his last words were, "The Scriptures explain themselves.
- AW Pink
Afflictions are light when compared with what we really deserve. They are light when compared with sufferings of the Lord Jesus. But perhaps their real lightness is best seen by comparing them with the weight of glory which is awaiting us.
- AW Pink
He is solitary in His majesty, unique in His excellency, peerless in His perfections. He sustains all, but is Himself independent of all. He gives to all, but is enriched by none. By revelation Such a God cannot be found out by searching. He can be known only as He is revealed to the heart by the Holy Spirit through the Word.
- AW Pink
The becoming attitude for us to take is that of godly fear, implicit obedience, and unreserved resignation and submission. But not only so: the recognition of the sovereignty of God, and the realization that the Sovereign Himself is my Father, ought to overwhelm the heart and cause me to bow before Him in adoring worship. At all times I must say "Even so, Father, for so it seemeth good in Thy sight.
- AW Pink
The craving today is for something light and spicy, and few have patience, still less desire, to examine carefully that which would make a demand both upon their hearts and
- AW Pink
When we trustfully resign ourselves, and all our affairs into God's hands, fully persuaded of His love and faithfulness, the sooner shall we be satisfied with His providences and realize that "He doeth all things well.
- AW Pink
God was under no constraint, no obligation, no necessity to create. That He chose to do so was purely a sovereign act on His part, caused by nothing outside Himself, determined by nothing but His own mere good pleasure; for He "worketh all things after the counsel of His own will" (Eph 1:11). That He did create was simply for His manifestative glory.
- AW Pink
An ineffably holy God, who has the utmost abhorrence of all sin, was never invented by any of Adam's fallen descendants!
- AW Pink
God is only truly known in the soul as we yield ourselves to Him, submit to His authority, and regulate all the details of our lives by His holy precepts and commandments.
- AW Pink
What right has the husband to require submission from his wife? None, unless God had appointed it.
- AW Pink