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Quotes from AW Pink

It is impossible to bring the Almighty under obligations to the creature; God gains nothing from us.
- AW Pink
If thou be righteous, what givest thou Him? Or what receiveth He of thine hand? thy wickedness may hurt a man as thou art; and thy righteousness may profit the son of man" (Job 35:7-8), but it certainly cannot affect God, who is all-blessed in Himself. "When ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants" (Luk 17:10)—our obedience has profited God nothing.
- AW Pink
I have learned how blessed to my own soul is communion with Him, but who would have supposed that my communion was blessed to Christ! Yet it is. For this He still "thirsts." Grace enables us to offer that which refreshes Him.
- AW Pink
It is the same to them whether you warn them or do not warn them; they will not believe. God has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing. And on their hearts is a veil; Great is the chastisement they incur.
- AW Pink
It is in the sequel that God is vindicated.
- AW Pink
O unsaved reader, if a work of grace has already begun in your heart so that you realize your wretchedness and long for that peace and rest which this poor world is unable to give, fix it firmly in your mind that One only can give you what you seek.
- AW Pink
As Thornwell so aptly expressed it, "Holiness was the inheritance of his [man's] nature—the birthright of his being. It was the state in which all his faculties received their form.
- AW Pink
Even in Christendom the average churchgoer is fully satisfied if he learns by rote a few of the elementary principles of religion. By so doing he comforts himself that he is not an infidel, and since he believes there is a God (though it may be one which his own imagination has devised) he prides himself that he is far from being an atheist. Yet as to having any living, spiritual, influential and practical knowledge of the Lord and His ways he is a stranger, altogether unenlightened.
- AW Pink
What has just been pointed out reveals a principle which is of great practical value for our own souls today. The further Israel's religious apostasy advanced and wickedness increased, the more were the godly handful among them taught to look away from the present to the future, to walk by faith and not by sight, to regale their desponding hearts with those covenant blessings which the Messiah would obtain for all His people.
- AW Pink
We heartily agree with Charnock: "In that one word love, God hath wrapped up all the devotion He requires of us.
- AW Pink
Truly, God is "no respecter" of persons or He would not have saved me.
- AW Pink
How much are the Lord's people losing today because of their acceptance of the world's favors! Unto how few can the Lord.
- AW Pink