Quotes from AW Pink
And the sad thing is that while men refuse to believe the Word of the living God, yet they are sufficiently credulous to accept Satan's lies.
- AW Pink
No sinner ever comes to Christ until the Holy Spirit first comes to him! And no sinner will savingly believe on Christ until the Spirit has communicated faith to him (Ephesians 2:5; Colossians 2:12); and even then, faith is an eye to discern Christ before it is a foot to approach Him.
- AW Pink
God, it would seem, did not communicate to His people an explicit and systematic form of doctrine; instead, He instructed them, mainly, through His providential dealings and by means of types and symbols. Once this is clearly grasped by us it gives new interest to the Old Testament scriptures.
- AW Pink
In like manner, the word "know" is frequently used in the New Testament, in the same sense as in the Old Testament. "Then will I profess unto them, I never knew you" (Mat 7:23). "I am the good shepherd and know My sheep and am known of Mine" (Joh 10:14). "If any man love God, the same is known of him" (1Co 8:3). "The Lord knoweth them that are His" (2Ti 2:19).
- AW Pink
While men are rational creatures they are justly accountable for all they do, whatever the disposition of their hearts.
- AW Pink
David was at much pains to cover up his wickedness, but ere long the all-seeing God sent one of His servants to say to him, "Thou art the man"!
- AW Pink
But what is the use of praying to One whose will is already fixed? We answer, Because He so requires it.
- AW Pink
But we are living in a day when even the most "orthodox" seem afraid to admit the proper Godhood of God. They say that to press the sovereignty of God excludes human responsibility; whereas human responsibility is based upon divine sovereignty, and is the product of it.
- AW Pink
They have an intimate connection with each other and a common relation to a single purpose, being, in fact, so many successive stages in the unfolding of the scheme of divine grace.
- AW Pink
Moreover, in the exercise of His sovereignty God never enforces the responsibility of the creature; and unless we keep both of these steadily in view, we not only become lopsided, but lapse into real error. The grace of God must not be magnified to the beclouding of His righteousness, nor His sovereignty pressed to the exclusion of human accountability.
- AW Pink
Christ died not in order to make God love us, but because He did love His people, Calvary is the supreme demonstration of Divine love.
- AW Pink
The words "peace be multiplied" intimate that there are degrees of assurance concerning our standing with God.
- AW Pink